Blog items tagged with "site-administration-1326495019-0.04308800"
Tips: How to set-up, maintain, and update a web site using git and github
Here are some basics of using git and github to initially get or update the code to your site. I've found this is an easy way to initial install, and the perform updates on my web sites. There is a little bit of overhead (~105 MBytes), however the reduction in effort is worth it in most cases.
(read more)Tips: Resize Your Images Before Uploading to Your Exponent CMS Website
As a general rule of thumb, any images that will be placed into text modules should be resized using an external image editing program such as Microsoft Picture Manager or Picasa before it is uploaded to the Exponent CMS File Manager.
(read more)Tutorials: How to Insert an Image into an Exponent CMS Text Module
To insert an image from the Exponent CMS File Manager into a Text module, you must first click the edit icon on the text module to begin editing the module.
(read more)Tutorials: How to Create Password Protected Pages on your Exponent CMS Website
Exponent CMS offers a robust permissions system giving Site Administrators the power to easily grant Viewing and Editing rights on a granular level. It is very easy to create these Password Protected pages using any combination of usernames, passwords, and group rights.
(read more)Tutorials: How To Upload Files to the Exponent CMS File Manager
The first in our series of my How To tutorials for Site Administrators starts with the process of how to upload files to the file manager on an Exponent CMS website.
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