Patch #2 Released for V3.0.1 (aka v3.0.0rc1)
This patch adds some features to v3.0.0rc1 and converts it to v3.0.1, it also fixes a number of anomalies in v3.0.1patch1. It updates many 3rd party libraries.
NOTE: DO NOT INSTALL THIS PATCH ON A SERVER RUNNING PHP v7.3 or earlier!!! Your web site will no longer run! PHP versions older than v7.4 are very obsolete and we do not support them. The next version may also remove support for PHP v5.6, v7.0, v7.1, v7.2 and v7.4 since they are now considered obsolete.
All Exponent CMS users running at least PHP version 7.4 are encouraged to consider moving their installations to v3.0.1 and to install this patch!! Patch #2 to v3.0.1 is found at
v301patch2 adds these features to v300rc1/v301 and previous patches:
- add forms report title to editor insert-field dropdown in custom report template
- form submit now goes back with message instead displaying simple page
- add Invisible reCaptcha anti-spam option
- implement full-width static wysiwyg text form control option
- make outbound emails more friendly by adding organization name to email address when using default smtp address
- add better child help doc support and help doc search using datatables
- (re)add auto-launch installer for new installation
- add time only option to yuicalendarcontrol
- make pop button color match type
v301patch2 fixes these issues in v300rc1/v301 and previous patches:
- fix the broken bs2 form designer which was never intended to be included, but was
- fix yui/bootstrap3 theme framework file upload widget broken, unable to load cross-domain script (https/http)
- attempt to fix some cross-domain loading issues behind proxies
- fix UPS shipping calculator issues (now allows either a HTTP 1.1 or 2 response)
- regression fix some bs/bs3 ajax actions might crash if they attempt to compile an scss instead of less file
- fix crash bs3 forms showall view
- regression fix bs5 rss/ical pull module configuration tab broken
- regression fix blog item date display and tweet ref
- regression fix bs4 calendarcontrol wouldn't update input
- regression fix form design change control type isn't saved
- regression fix form design control ranks mangled during design session
- regression fix facebook/twitter buttons not rebuilt on ajax page load for blog/news
- fix page reordering anomaly
v301patch2 updates these 3rd party libraries in v300rc1/v301 and previous patches:
- easypost sdk to v6.6.0
- less.php to v4.1.0
- mediaelement to v6.0.3
- mediaelement plugins to v2.6.6
- jquery to v3.7.0
- jquery-migrate to v3.4.1
- jquery-confirm v3.3.4
- reCaptcha lib v1.3.0 (php 8+)
- tempus-dominux to v6.7.7
- ckeditor to v4.21.0
- datatables to v1.13.4
- codemirror cdn to v5.65.13
- ace editor cdn to v1.22.0
- font-awesome to v6.4.0
- bootstrap-icons to v1.10.5
- smarty to v4.3.1