Exponent CMS Blog
Exponent in 2025
What does 2025 hold in store for Exponent? There will be new releases on Jan 1st (v2.7.2 & v3.0.2) with several updates. In addition to updating many 3rd party libraries, it will include:
Exponent in 2024?
What does the new year hold in store for Exponent? Hard to say but implementations and usage has dropped off. There will be a patch or version release near the beginning of 2024. In addition to updating many 3rd party libraries, it will include:
Plans for v2.7.1patch3/v3.0.1patch3
Giving you a summer forecast...the main things we'll be working on this summer should include the following of which several will manifest itself as a patch #3:
(read more)EXPONENT IN 2023
Exponent is still hanging on with at least one update and a new major version planned for 2023! Some features you can expect within v2.7.1 in addition to rolling up the previous patch to 2.7.0 include:
Exponent in 2022
Exponent will see at least one update in 2022! Some features you can expect within v2.6.1 include direct integration of Twitter Bootstrap v5 and Twitter Bootstrap Icon support. PHP v8.1 support will be improved and support for obsolete PHP versions (5.6, 7.0, 71, & 7.2) will likely be removed along with the extra libraries only included to support those older versions (Smarty & Switftmailer).
Exponent in 2021
Exponent will be updated in 2021, however support may come to an end in early 2022. The use of Exponent as a CMS seems to be waning as many site providers and previous users now opt for a proprietary or commercial applications. However some features you can expect to be integrated in v2.6.1 will include Twitter Bootstrap v5 and Twitter Bootstrap Icon support included in the main package instead of as an optional addon.
Exponent in 2020
Yes, Exponent CMS is still alive and being updated. Though development has taken a much slower pace, bugs are still being squashed and new features are being added. You can expect v2.5.1 to be released by the end of winter 2020 (March). This is actually a minor patch update to v2.5.0patch2, but due to the copyright being updated to 2020 it affects almost every file and would be a very large patch, therefore it'll be a full version release.
Exponent in 2018
As we wind down 2017 and move into 2018, Exponent version 2.4.2 is being polished for release. What does the future of Exponent CMS hold in store? If you've read recent posts (here and here), you'll get a feel for what you can expect in the next version. So how can you prepare for the next version of Exponent?
Integrating Bootstrap 4 into Exponent
The primary theme framework for Exponent CMS is Twitter Bootstrap, currently at version 3 (actually 3.3.7). The next Bootstrap release, version 4 should be available in the near future and is currently in the beta 2 stage. It would be good to integrate support for the Bootstrap 4 framework, but there are several obstacles:
PHP and Exponent in 2017 (and Browsers too)
This article is a follow up to PHP AND EXPONENT IN 2016. Roughly one year after that previous article, PHP development is proceeding at breakneck speeds and we have seen two minor versions pass (though v7.2 is in release candidate status). Here's how it affects Exponent CMS.