Triple Twosies is out Early!

Thursday, August 15, 2013 Tags: release

Version 2.2.2 is now available with greatly enhanced Out of the Box (OOTB) SEO (Search Engine Optimization) implementations across the entire system.  We've also added more Social Media integration.  Here's some specific changes:

  •  Changes 'show item' page meta description to fallback to the item summary for better display by Facebook when sharing links.  Also uses item tags in 'show' view for keywords when no meta keywords available instead of defaulting to site keywords.
  • Adds new optional facebook like & tweet button to news posts and a new optional auto facebook post/tweet to blog posts, news items, file downloads, & events.
  • We now have showall news by date action.
  • There is a new 'toggle' view in the faq module.
    We've enhanced eCommerce with many fixes and new features to products and event registrations.
  • And there is much better user feedback for max file upload size and resulting errors.