Blog items tagged with "tips"
Using the new Workflow Feature
Version 2.3.0 includes a new optional feature called 'Workflow'. This feature allows greater control over a multi-user site, especially where there are many users adding new material which should be edited or approved prior to being visible to the public. 'Workflow' adds 1) Revisions, and 2) Approval.
Preparing to Upgrade to v2.3.0
Version 2.3.0 is the follow-up to version 2.2.3 and was given a version bump due to the many new features added. It also marks a 'slowing down' of version releases as it's purposely been five months since the last release. While it doesn't require as many changes as the move to v2.2.0 (which deprecated all the old 1.x code), it would still be wise to note and adhere these following changes.
(read more)Which WYSIWYG Editor to Choose?
Version 2.3.0 includes a second optional What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWG) editor called TinyMCE. While in most cases you'll probably want to stick with the venerable CKEditor, TinyMCE will work on Android devices, where CKEditor does not.
Using the new elFinder File Manager
Version 2.3.0 includes a new modern File Manager which (in the long run) will make it much easier to manage and work with uploaded files. In general, elFinder follows an 'operating system' paradigm, so it should be fairly logical to begin using, but it is much different than the old Exponent File Manager.