Patch #4 Released for V2.3.8

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Tags: patch, release, bugs

This patch fixes some issues in the v2.3.8, v2.3.8 Patch #1, v2.3.8patch #2, and v2.3.8 Patch #3 releases, especially with 'minification'. It also provides several tweaks and new features. In particular this release adds a new dynamic/drag-n-drop form designer to Bootstrap 3 themes. Patch #4 to v2.3.8 is found at

v238patch4 adds these features to all previous releases of v238:
- update db manager to now recognize all datetimestamp fields and allow tooltip human date, and datetime widget in record edit
- update db manager to link 'poster' and 'editor' fields to the user record
- update db manager wysiwyg editor support to fix ckeditor conflict with 'edit sql command', and add ckeditor file manager integration
- updates 'day of week' labels to use 'locale' instead of expLang strings; also done for site configuration select 1st day of week
- adds filter/search to events calendar administration and past-events views to help locate events
- adds dynamic form designer for bootstrap 3 themes; adds toggle form designer grid and toggle form style switch
- adds form designer (blue) highlight for wizard/page-break controls (controls initially hidden were already grayed out)

v238patch4 fixes these issues in all previous releases of v238:
- regression fix several 'minify' problems; 
  - (v238) fix webshim to not complain/fail-to-load when it is loaded via minify (required temporarily moving to non-minifed webshim)
  - (v238) minfy has been broken with the update to minify v2.3.0, we failed to customize its config.php file
  - the yui3 'combine' function has probably been broken for a long time
- fix URL_BASE (http/https) to now account for ssl load balancer
- fix bootstrap-tagsinput to recognize android input
- change datetimecontrol to not print out (redundant) 'date' or 'time' label if not displaying both date AND time input

v238patch4 updates these 3rd party libraries in all previous releases of v238:
- bootstrap3 swatches to v3.3.6+2
- adminer (db manager) to v4.2.5
- tinymce to v4.3.13
- easypost sdk to v3.1.0