Blog items tagged with "preview"
More About Less
Back in version 2.0.8 we added the LESS stylesheet compiler to Exponent. LESS is a dynamic stylesheet language which extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. This functionality makes it much easier to create flexible stylesheets since redundant styles and style variations can be handled by the compiler/server instead of the designer. Though this addition to Exponent was primarily to support Twitter-Bootstrap, its use is increasing especially beginning with v2.2.3.
(read more)Permit me to tell you a little about the next version
While v2.2.3 (when released) will focus on addressing issues in v2.2.2 and removing all the deprecated features and 0.9x compatibility, there will be a few minor new features and changes to the permissions system (final implementation will be based on your feedback to this article!).
(read more)Facebook and Tweet Integration in v2.2.1
The next release will introduce a new 'Facebook' module and optional Facebook 'Like' and Twitter 'Tweet' buttons to blog posts.
(read more)The 'Wizard' Returns to Exponent
One feature which didn't make the move from Exponent 1.x to 2.x was the 'Wizard'...essentially a sequential set of forms. Well 'ta-daaa', we're planning to have a wizard or paged-form feature in the next release (already in the 'develop' code branch)! This will be a much simpler implementation than available in 1.x, as a 2.x paged form can easily be designed all in one place, instead of having to create separate form pages, etc... This feature will be available in both the forms module/site forms (event registration now uses site forms) and in templates/views.
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