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PHP Version 5.6 Stable Released
August 28, 2014Though not specific to Exponent CMS, you should be made aware that PHP version 5.6 has been released as 'stable' ( All the more reason why the PHP developers have recommend upgrading to at least the stable version of 5.5.x or the previous stable version of 5.4.x and (quickly) moving away from versions 5.3.x and 5.2.x. At some point in the future, upgrades to Exponent CMS will require PHP v5.3.x or greater and no longer support PHP v5.2.x.
(read more)Patches Released for v2.1.4 and v2.2.3
August 22, 2014 patch, release, bugsWe've fixed a couple of nasty bugs in some of our older versions and now have a patch available to fix these two specific issues:
(read more)PHP Version 5.3 Reaches End of Life
August 17, 2014Though not specific to Exponent CMS, you should be made aware that PHP version 5.3.x is now at end of life and will no longer be updated ( The PHP developers recommend upgrading to the latest stable version of 5.5.x or the previous stable version of 5.4.x. If you missed any earlier announcements, PHP version 5.2.x has been obsolete for quite a while at this point.
(read more)What's in store for the next version? (v2.3.0)
April 8, 2014 preview(Updated 11 Apr 2014) It's been a while since the last update to Exponent...which was the plan. Several users were having to spend an inordinate amount of time continually updating their sites to the latest version, so we've slowed down our version updates from monthly to between quarterly and semi-annually (every 3 to 6 months). Hopefully, the 2014 Wish List article whetted your appetite for what will actually hit the streets later this spring. Because we'll be implementing MANY new features, we've also decided to bump minor versions. Here's some of the things you can look forward to in v2.3.0.
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