Blog items tagged with "templates"
Prepping Your Site for v2.2.0 (or how to deal with a major update)
(Update: we HAVE reverted to the name 'container' instead of 'container2' for release candidate1!) Here are some tips and tutorials to help ensure your site is 'v2.2 ready'! While there is really no show-stopping change moving from v2.1.1 to v2.2.0, the move to v2.2.0 will reveal any themes or custom views which haven't been updated to 2.0 standards. In a pragmatic sense, though the upgrade must be run and completed to convert the database for use in v2.2.0, your site would continue to work using one of the shipped or add-on themes which are 2.2 ready.
(read more)Upgrading Templates from Smarty v2 to v3
When Exponent v2.0.2 was released at the end of October 2011 it incorporated a fairly major change under the hood that could 'break' some custom themes or mods. The template engine (what is used to display everything) was upgraded from Smarty v2.5.x to v3.1.x. This was a major upgrade, but the syntax basically remained the same...the issue is that 'bad' template code which worked under previous versions will likely break with this version. However, Smarty v3 adds many enhancements including the ability to use inline computations/math. Details on how to identify problems and fixes is at the end of this post.
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